May 24, 2010

June Workshop - THE BIG SHOT

This month's workshop is a series of projects using the Big Shot die cut machine. Come and see how this machine works so easily to create spectacular projects. Cost is $20.

Tuesday June 8th, Burleigh Waters, QLD (Further details on booking)
9.30 am till 12 noon or 7 pm till 9.30pm.
Bring a friend! Lucky door prize.

I already have some people booked so get in quick if you want to reserve a place. There is a limit of seven per workshop.

Morning workshop

1. Carol

2. Erica
(Five place left)

Evening workshop

1. Nerida

2. Angela S

3. Angela M

4. Rachel

5. Siobhan
(Two places left)
I'll also have swaps on show from convention.

May 18, 2010

May 18th 2010 Convention Swaps

Convention is this weekend and demonstrators are encouraged to make swaps - the same design, as many times as you wish, to swap with other demonstrators. Here are mine, inspired by Becky Roberts, from Inking Idaho. I made 56 of them, which means I get 56 ideas in return.