August 21, 2013

Two Thankyous

Following the success of our launch last month, I have recently received a couple of thankyous in the mail.  We were fortunate to be given the café space at Genesis Christian Ministries free of charge.  However once our running costs had been covered we were able to donate $150 to the church to help with their running costs.

We received the card below which included the words:  "We are glad to be able to be part of what you are doing in bringing these ladies together."

We also ran a successful raffle at our launch and donated the raffle proceeds and some of the door takings to the Gold Coast Children's Hospital, an amount totaling $320.

Part of the thank you from the hospital read:
"Each year we receive many applications from medical staff across the Gold Coast region to purchase new medical equipment, conduct valuable research or further their education to best serve patients in our community.  We simply could not fund this important work without people like you so thank you again for your continued support."

Thanks once again to everyone who came along and supported our event and raffle.


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