October 19, 2014

Some good deeds

I am so grateful for my group of customers and my team of demonstrators who pitch in for a cause.

In this past week I have been able to take a couple of big steps in our help towards other thanks to the efforts of many.

Firstly, cards for our Australian soldiers.  In my last post we were up to 260 cards.  Since then I have added a few and then Sue who couldn't come on the day contributed 20 more.  Thanks Sue!  This is one of her cards.  Love that clean and simple design!  (and I love Santa!)

And our total reached 290.  Angela, one of my fabulous team members then volunteered to make the last 10 so that we reached 300!!  Thanks Angela!!  Here are her lovely cards.

And here are our 300 cards boxed and ready to go!

And it doesn't end there - one of my team members has contacted me to say that her Perth based mum and crafty friends are contributing 150 more!!!

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed.  This is a fantastic cause and an easy one to get involved in.

Tune in for my next blog post to find out about my other big step (actually it involved a trip on the Light Rail!)

Thanks for stopping by!


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