October 28, 2015

And the winner is...and some Halloween Inspiration

Throughout September I offered an ordering incentive as I was trying hard to achieve the Incentive Trip. 

This was the prize.... a box of our markers.

So many people helped me throughout September - I had lots of orders at classes, people offered to hold parties, ladies ordered extra items, customers placed online orders...

This was the box of slips, one for every $10 ordered - my son helped me write them all out.

Angela, one of my team members drew out the winner.  Not looking!

Jenny H! (Nice fingernails Ang!)

Jenny is one of my long time customers.  It was so exciting to have her name drawn out!
Here she is happily accepting her prize.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped me get across the line.  This is not just ladies who ordered in September but all throughout the year!  I have achieved the trip:  a Mediterranean Cruise (!!!) 

At our team meeting this month Jessica brought along these gorgeous boxes made by her mum, using the Curvy Keepsake Thinlits!  Just in time for Halloween.  I thought you might like to have a look.

And lastly.....my November class schedule is 'up'! 

Click HERE to check.

If you would like to book in please RSVP on the website or email me at wheatonanna@hotmail.com or phone 07 55 765 469.

Thanks for stopping by!


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